Elite (Season 2) (2019)
Elite (Season 3) (2020)
Sky High: The Series (2023)
Elite (Season 6) (2022)
Holy Family (2022)
Elite (Season 7) (2023)
Elite (Season 4) (2021)
Elite (Season 1) (2018)
Elite (Season 5) (2022)
Beyond Evil (Vượt Ra Tội Ác)
Chiếc Vòng Ngọc Huyết (Chiếc Vòng Ngọc Huyết)
My Date With A Vampire 2 (Khử Tà Diệt Ma 2)
Last Train Home (归途列车)
Belief (Tin tưởng)
The Delightful Forest (Võ Tòng)
Zipper (Sợi Dây Kéo)
Marrowbone (Dinh Thự Quỷ Ám)
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (Thần Tượng Châu Âu)
The Wisdom of Crocodiles (The Wisdom of Crocodiles)