Justice League vs the Fatal Five (2019)
Doom Patrol (Season 3) (2021)
Doom Patrol (Season 2) (2020)
Doom Patrol (Season 1) (2019)
Doom Patrol Season 4 (2022)
Amend: The Fight for America (2021)
Beyond Evil (Vượt Ra Tội Ác)
Chiếc Vòng Ngọc Huyết (Chiếc Vòng Ngọc Huyết)
Last Train Home (归途列车)
My Date With A Vampire 2 (Khử Tà Diệt Ma 2)
Belief (Tin tưởng)
Outbreak (Bùng Nổ)
Little Forest (Little Forest)
Cold War 2 (Hàn Chiến 2)
Dad, I'm Sorry (Bố Già)